Atash Thirst / Soif

by Tawfik Abu Wael

2004 Selection


Feature Film

It has been 10 years since Abu Shukri and his family, have settled in a valley, in the middle of nowhere,far away from their hometown. Completely independent, they live on char­ coal they produce. Only thefather and the son are in contact with the outside world. The father goes to the village to sell the charcoal whereas the son runs off to the village school. The mother and her two daughters inces­santly burn wood.
Abu Shukri, the father, brought them to this place against their will and they know the reason why they left the village is also the reason why they can never return.
The father decides to build a pipeline to bring fresh water to their rustic home. The women are suspicious and the son doesn't care but the running water awakens their instinct of free­dom and marks the beginning of the family's explosive tragic downfall.