Critique & Création Fund

Champion film criticism and support young filmmakers

The French Union of Film Critics is launching its Critique & Création endowment fund, a support scheme for patrons and donors who wish to help develop and foster critical thinking in young generations and support young talents. 

With projects service the general interest, the Critique & Création Fund furthers La Semaine de la Critique’s work all year round.

How to support us

Developing and fostering critical thinking

Film literacy and introduction to film criticism workshops

2,000 pupils
35 schools 
10 introduction to film criticism workshops

More information 

The Critique & Création Film Club

In partnership with Jeu de Paume, this screening programme is an opportunity for viewers to (re)discover La Semaine de la Critique’s film selection. The Critique & Création film club organises a series of events all through the year, inviting filmmakers to present their films and meet their audiences.

Supporting young talents

Next Step and Next Step Vol.II
Since 2014, La Semaine de la Critique has been assisting young short-film directors towards making their first feature through the Next Step programme, accessible only to the directors of short films selected at La Semaine de la Critique.

10 editions
88 projects 
43% of participants are women
36 nationalities 
29 completed feature films 
Learn more

Supporting the Critique & Création fund as a company or a foundation

Become a Critique & Création corporate patron...
… and gain visibility that reflects your commitment, tax benefits, access to Critique & Création Fund’s and La Semaine de la Critique’s events, private events with guests, and tailor-made events for your clients and/or collaborators, as well as official Semaine de la Critique screenings in Cannes.  

For further information, download Critique & Création Patrons

Supporting Critique & Création as an individual member

From a 10€ donation, become a Friend of the Critique & Création Club…
… and take part in the events organised by Critique & Création and La Semaine de la Critique, and discover our guests and the products.

For further information, download Critique & Création Patrons

Contact information for patronage and sponsorship

Thomas Rosso
La Semaine de la Critique Programme Manager
Director of the Next Step and Next Step Vol.II programmes

Julie Regnier
In charge of Patronage and Development of the Critique & Création Fund
+33 (0)6 32 67 96 02