JULIE KEEPS QUIET, first feature by belgian filmmaker Leonardo Van Dijl in Competition at the 63rd Semaine de la Critique and doubly rewarded with the Gan Foundation Award for Diffusion and the SACD Award, will be released in french theaters on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
Starring Tessa Van den Broeck, JULIE KEEPS QUIET is produced by DE WERELDVREDE, coproduced by LES FILMS DU FLEUVE, HOBAB et FILM I VÄST and distributed by JOUR2FÊTES.
As the star player at an elite tennis academy, Julie’s life revolves around the game she loves. When her coach falls under investigation and is suddenly suspended, all of the club's players are encouraged to speak up. But Julie decides to keep quiet…
Discover the trailer
Leonardo Van Dijl Interview
JULIE KEEPS QUIET presentation at Cannes with the film crew